Your Monthly Guide into the Wisdom of Our Cosmos, Archetypes, and the energetic patterns that support our lives.
image: sevdaliza
Aquarius: gods messenger and guardian of the people, hovering in the earths atmospheric cloud formations, the sense of goosebumps, the hair on the back of your neck standing, the electricity of a new world.
January 20th marks a new wave of energy for the collective. The Sun & Pluto will enter Aquarius. Bringing us into a peak of the Aquarian Age. This rare event is one that has supported great karmic societal change, revolutions, and the rising of the people from oppressive systems. This is a union in which truth reigns, truth will be spoken, and truth will be dug up from the resting place of the corrupt dead.
If you’re reading this, you have lived through and will continue to live through unprecedented collective and worldwide events. And still, there is something so potent about RIGHT NOW that has my hair standing on it’s ends. There is more. We’re not done. There may not be much rest up ahead.
As the water bearer and final Air Sign of our Zodiac cycle, Aquarius is what I call the guardian of the people. It lives in the skies above Capricorn, receiving messages from the river of source itself, and from this vantage point in which it can see humanity below, it uses a vessel to capture and pour down this knowledge, in hopes of illuminating those who dare to see beyond the known and learned/conditioned world.
Aquarius thinks and feels, acts and proceeds to build far outside of the box. Air signs are our communicators, our ideas people, the muses, the inspiration. Under the umbrella of Aquarius we have our public speakers, our sages, our philosophers, our mad scientists… they are our protestors, our revolutionaries… they are the people who were burned down first when the war on intuitive women and persons began. Because this archetype would rather die than lie. When the Sun enters Aquarius we are all asked to embody our most authentic self, our true voice, and the ways we color outside of the lines. It asks us to create. To innovate. To take a path less traveled. To read between the lines. To talk about the elephant in the room. And yeah, in general, get a little weird.
Uranian Ruled and Saturnian Ruled (traditionally), our beloved Aquarian is designed to make us uncomfortable about what we’ve accepted as truth. It questions why we do what we do and if it’s helping or hurting future us.
Always ahead of the curb.
Always seeking a boundary outside of where it last reached.
Those with strong Aquarian qualities and placements are likely known to be artists because of their life philosophies.
This season, place yourself in the shoes of Aquarius. Sit back and watch the room. Use silence as a tool. Speak to break the bubble. Become a mirror, a muse, a beacon of electricity. Question the ways that have always been. Consider the big picture.
Liberate yourself. Create the life you want!
January 20: Aquarius season begins, and Pluto enters Aquarius (after a 20yr experience in Capricorn - stay tuned for a dedicated journaling on this subject, because it deserves it!)
January 23: Venus enters Capricorn (thank the gods! some ease)
January 25: Full Moon in Leo (hello, how and why are you not shining?)
*Please read for your rising sign, as this will be the most accurate to the area of life affected by these transits!
This is the time to take an eagle eye view to the network that has been built through the last year and your life. Are there strange power dynamics at hand? Are you investing your energy into connections that don't allow for your authentic self to show up, be seen, be heard, and be UNDERSTOOD? Your long terms plans require your most true vision. Your big picture thinking of not only your friendships, but society, will undergo a transformational process that is sparked this season. Pluto will slowly uncover, remove, and transmute the blockages and shadows associated with your goals, your wishes, your dreams, your lens of the world, your ability to build and how you can do this with the right support. The aquarian energy is a bit of a popular loner, but we will truly die if not for those who we trust and love at our sides. Who is supporting your world? How is the world supporting you? You cannot be an island.
Wow, what a gift! Pluto and the Sun landing within your house of career and visible success?! Are you even ready for this!? Are you terrified? lol You may feel the pulse of electricity right now. Asking you to be seen in your bold vision. To take something to the next level. With the air signs ruling the branches of your career (money, success, balance/environments) you are meant to share ideas. Your eccentricity is key. Every company needs a muse and every entrepreneur needs a crazy idea that is so far outside the scope of what is happening it feels truly risky. Get into the punk garage, throw spaghetti at the wall, and trust yourself. Celebrate your milestones. Prepare for a world in which your most seen and appreciate self is truly basking in the felt sense of achievement. Remember, you define success. And it 100% will not look like anyone else’s. If you’re in a box that is socially acceptable… well, light it on fire and have a smoke.
What is the meaning to all of this? Where are you headed? Who are you????
It’s time to go against the grain. Take a new road - a path beyond everything you've known. How you expand and acquire higher wisdom is not only central to this season but undergoing renovation for the next 20yrs of your life. This means every bit of shadow work needed to help you accept this calling will come forth. It's up to you to heed the call, to adopt the practices that assist you with inner trust… because where you're headed… the compass is within you. This season, while our Sun and Pluto enter Aquarius, take time to reflect on your faith, intuition, trust, and any journeys that you need to embark on. Maybe it’s time to plan that retreat. Your world is a bubble that is about to get popped. What’s outside of this bubble is the most expansive experience you’ll ever have. Lean in. Ride the wave.
Pluto entering Aquarius will bring you deep into a world beneath the one you know. A world that will challenge you to detach. To feel, to see, to understand through the Aquarian lens. Aquarius rules your 8th house, and this is quite a psychic realm. This is where our biggest life changes and challenges occur. The ones that feel like the truest alchemical process to our growth. Basically, they’re jarring, rattling, dismantling, surprising, and make you question who you are when xyz is no longer in your hands. This isn’t just growth, it’s evolution. Your skin will shed. Your identity will shift as what you've known becomes no longer a part of you. Do not fear the next leg of your growth spiral. You are made for this. Consider that it’s time to be without the comfort of your shell. Enter the void in grace. This season, taste the fear and take a few more steps into the darkness.
How you arrive to another in union, and how you view union will never be the same. You're already designed to desire outside the box. Attracted to mental stimulation, the ones who live on the edges of what's socially acceptable and have a rebellious glimmer in their eyes. There are some ways people have been coming together that don't make sense to you. Are you going to show us something new? Will there be a surprise for you? If there is a bond not in alignment with your authentic desires right now, expect it to rumble… or even tumble to the ground. At its best, a union in alignment will become so fortified into the future, consider it unfuckwithable. With Aquarius ruling your 1:1 energetic contracts and Pluto entering for such a span of time, there is bound to be drastic shadow and light work here. Prepare for the sting of what keeps you out of relationships, why they dissolve, and your role in it all. On the other side of the coin, expect some honey. Pluto turns our darkness into gold. Your relationships will never be the same, because they’ll be better. But first, yeah, let’s feel the storm that clears it all out… and pushes it all to surface. Have fun sortin’ that one out, mate!
Ma’am you better slow down. Your health is wealth. When it comes to the balance of your life there needs to be a strong standard to the limit of how much you are holding the weight of responsibility for others versus you being the only one who is responsible for your well-being. AKA they need to watch out for them, and they can’t if you’re doing all their heavy lifting. Fun fact: There is no golden star awarded for burnout or trying to outdo everyone else on their wellness routines. It’s not a game. Aquarius rules your 6th house - with our Sun entering the water bearer & the ruler of the underworld (Pluto) moving in for good, get ready to really address why you are not doing what you need to do daily. Get ready to address the shadow of the caretaker role and how deep that cord runs. Aquarius might have a god complex but is still salt of earth, it’s not above the mundane daily human tasks, and neither are you. There’s no perfection here, sorry. Nothing to win or brag about, and we know you love a bit of one upping and defined lines. The truth is you can’t wipe your ass and everyone else’s for the sake of being seen as a saint. Clean up your mess, they can get theirs.
Aquarius season is always a time for inspiration and imagination for you. To feel your life force energy and the unique ways you want to express it. Tasting life through all the senses… this season especially. With the impact of Pluto joining the Sun in your 5th house, you will feel the deep thrust of desire. Have a darkness in you that keeps creeping up? Guess what. YOU CREATE FROM THAT SPACE. Write the book. Share your poetry. Find your route to creators’ gift within you and let it MOVE. Circulate. Dance. Paint. Follow a scent in the air that feels like something you know in the future. This is where you color outside the lines and get the downloads you’ve been needing. Don’t be scared to step away from the crowd to create your world! Will it go against expectations? Who cares! It’s 2024 babe, we’re all going to die someday... LIVE NOW.
Oh, why hello there our little daemon. The Sun and one of your glorious rulers, Pluto, will move into your 4th house, and activate most intimate portion of your chart. The personal and hidden. The old. Like a line through your ancestry. It's here all things home related will reveal themselves. A new truth that changes a family dynamic. A new way of seeing your personal space. A renovation. A move. Maybe source forces you out, maybe it gets uncomfortable at first, and this is okay. There is power here in tending to your space, tending to the concept of home, the felt sense of belonging and the family dynamics tied to this. The shadow of home, the shadow of your childhood, the underbelly of our formative years (wow, seriously, grab your hypnotherapist now). This season gain a new perspective on the old. Air out the house. Dig up the bones in the backyard. Piece the puzzle together. Your past needs some cleaning up. There are roots beyond the roots you thought you dug up. Face them. It’s time to liberate yourself from a pattern or story. From the memory. From the trauma of your lineage. Break the curse.
Get ready to say hello to... everyone! What’s holding you back from being seen in community or making the most expansive connections? On that note, take a look around you. Are you feeling supported, mentally stimulated, and engaged with your current network? The Sun and Pluto will meet in your third house and it's feeling like an increase in communications/exchanges for now. An electrical buzz around you. Your name is in every room. Suddenly you’re meeting with just the right people at just the right time. Prepare to engage more than you ever have before, bumping shoulders, shaking hands, and opportunities abound. Grab the mic, put on the show. They’ve been waiting for you and your refreshing take on xyz. Will it feel scary? Sure as shit. Every shadow and internalized story of limitation will be challenged. At the end of the day, you shall be heard, seen, and queened. It is done.
Your money babe, what’s up with the bag? Aquarius rules your second house and this is where you'll find a transformative process. Re-examining the bones of imposter syndrome, integrating new lessons through Plutonian medicine. Debt? You bet your ass it's time to change that. Self-worth? Time to become the most powerful you've ever been here, find your unshakeable center. Pluto has a way of taking you down to bring you up. Honestly, the harder the work feels the shinier the gold. That's the alchemical process. Your stability, your comfort, your values, your relationship to material possessions and attachment… oh man, get ready. This area of your life is undergoing one of the greatest transformations it can receive. This is a gift. But it requires patience; work WITH it. Pluto just left my second house and let me tell you, the way I do not wobble in my self worth now… the way I will never accept less. The way my math is mathing… Good for you. Can it feel like hell? YES. Every which way you are fucking up here is about to come up. These are the years to get clear on how you need your money to support you. CALL IT IN.
Pluto is asking you to transform your relationship to your identity, your image; consider this a rebrand from the deep self to the outer most seen self. You are meant to develop your identity in this incarnation through the lens and desires of an outsider. Do not confuse pioneering with being lost. Pluto will excavate your deepest fears about yourself. The true you, and how you are perceived, are getting a push in a more authentic (aligned) direction. There's so much personal power here for you to claim. Even the darkest layers of self can be transmuted into gold. True alchemy is present for this season and the next 20yrs of your life. Listen, you’re different, POP OFF. Be a mystery. Become the person you want to be. Face your shadow, shake hands. The birthing process is intense. You have an opportunity to go through that portal again. Decide. You’ll know it’s working because your presence changes the frequency of the room. Get ready to become magnetic, piercing, electric, and ever more eccentric.
Hello sweet fishies. Pluto in Aquarius is transforming your relationship to your psyche and astral plane self. Yes, the very route you most understand life through, that highway is Aquarian. The 12th house represents a complete cycle and story. The realm of intangible YOU. This season is one for review. It will feel private, quiet, and pensive. Consider the major events of the last 12 months of your life, let them soak in. Watch the replay… and wrap it up in a bow. Close the chapters. Clear out the psychic space. This would be a great time to receive energetic clearings! Notice what contracts have shifted… and what you now have space for. There is work to be done behind the scenes and in other dimensions. Bend time.