Your Monthly Guide into the Wisdom of Our Cosmos, Archetypes, and the energetic patterns that support our lives.
To understand this full moon, we must understand the axis in which it lives. By axis I mean opposing relationship thread. Our Moon is Full in Leo due to its opposition to Aquarius; meaning they share a conversation, they tug and pull, they create alchemy between them.
Ruled by The Sun, Leo is not one to hide away. In fact, if you have vital Leo placements and you’re not in your fullest confidence, it’s often a sign of being told you couldn’t shine as a child (I’ve had countless conversations on this very topic with Cosmo Blueprint Sessions).
Leo gives us permission to SHINE, TAKE UP SPACE, BE SEEN, BE HEARD, BE CONFIDENT, BE COURAGEOUS, BE LOUD, BE PROUD, RECEIVE RECOGNITION, BE LOUDLY OURSELVES - let me guess, something there triggered tf out of you? lol Listen, I was born under this Full Moon (full moon in leo, aquarius sun here) and I get triggered within my own desires. Because I live within this Axis!
Leo represents vitality at its highest frequency. Leo has a natural relationship to the 5th house within your western birth chart, and this house is the lust for life itself! This is the power to go for what you want, to have drive, vision, sexual energy; it represents all the ways we put our joy and pleasure first. Yes, in the healthiest sense it’s about being selfish.
Not only this, but its heart-centered. It feels deeply. A Moon in Leo is a passionate and expressive set of emotions!
The Aquarius sun on the other hand does in fact represent some sort of sacrifice for the whole of humanity. It holds the weight of the big picture; it’s systems, the politics, the need to progress and destroy in order to create a new world. It’s mind is busy trying to not only get ahead of everything that’s ever existed but ahead of itself. It’s emotions may be more intellectualized or even a mystery to itself.
And here we have….
Considering this axis, the Full Moon in Leo will bring up some emotions along the following themes:
- any ways you don’t place your pleasure and joy first and fully
- the relationship between your need to hide away and reflect vs be one on one with others
- emotions around not taking up more space or spotlight
- with the creative energy of both signs, you may feel the nudge to highlight what you’re working on in a prouder way
- your relationship to passion and feeling (Leo fire) and intellectualizing, innovating (Aquarius air) + CREATIVITY
Full Moons represent a point of culmination. The cycle is closing, the pot is boiling; it’s time to let something go, lower the fire, empty out and start again. But first, of course, we have to feel it all. That’s the Moon’s job; our inner desires, the inner hidden self, how we express. So we’re all being invited… or even bullied, into feeling deeply as a Leo would. It’s happening whether you find it convenient or not.
This full moon will reach its peak at 5° of Leo; within the system of Sabian Symbols, this degree is “Rock formations at the edge of a precipice”. This symbol represents a final stage. Held at the cliff, on the edge of a new world. There’s a leap to be made here. There’s grief here. Resilience. Strength.
And maybe, just maybe, our dear friend Pluto has something to do with this. Pluto is now in Aquarius, at 0° which is that rebirth degree, and it chants in a cave with the ancestors… it the screams of joy when Edison somehow captured lightning in a bulb. It’s this feeling of oh god, I have to own this. And to own this vision, this future, I have to do so from the heart.
So I ask you, what does your heart want?
How can you live by that code?
How are you not living by that code?
Where do you find yourself playing small?
How could you feel more connected to life, your desires, community, contribution, and play… if you let go of the mask and were your true self?
I specialize in the space where cosmos meets earth and both meet divination. The offerings above provide a space to understand how the current cosmo patterns are supporting or provoking you along with channeled and tarot readings.
Don’t be shy ;)