Life is ceremony and magic is real.

The practice is a 4-week group journey through sacred rituals.


The Practice | Group Journey

4 120min sessions - 1 weekly
444 usd - afterpay/payment plans available
Sundays 11am-1pm PST

  • You are working with a medicine woman, teacher, mentor and guide.

    My work with altars and rituals is extensive. I’m here to share the exact tools I’ve used to build my practices.

  • Welcome to a circle for those who value magic and ritual. Make life long friends and deep connections. Find support.

    There is always a thread that runs through a group who gathers at the same time. It’s incredible to experience. There is a power to this offering and, without fail, there will be power in the energetic current of those who have chosen to arrive together.

  • This is an expansion which strengthens and awakens your connection to the unseen world while supporting your intuitive intelligence.

    Learning this work will change your reality by showing you how you can manipulate the energy around you.

    You will exit this offering with a toolbox for many of life’s occasions. Understanding potent spell work. And creating sacred space within your home so that you may embody your values and live in co-creation with source, your guides, and ancestors.

  • Within this work will be potent energetic meditative states in which we are shifting your energy, calling in guides/ancestors, and retrieving inner trust.

    Be prepared for change.


The Pathway is for you

Your Bridge to The Unseen

  • wk 1 | Opening Ceremony | Altars

    Calling in the sacred. We begin with a meditation to ground from earth to cosmos, and we end with a meditation to call in the guides that wish to work with us.

    - how rituals work, their purpose and power; a step-by-step guide & process to make the spiritual more accessible and understandable
    - how to begin or strengthen your altar practice
    - begin refining your altar practice; guides, animals, elements, talismans etc.

    The altar is the gateway to the unseen realm. Throughout history it has always been so. A place of worship where the sacred may be interacted with. We begin here.

  • wk 2 | Protection/Cleansing + Full Moons

    Psychic Boundary is needed when engaging in energetic work. We will go over a handful of methods to reinforce your auric boundaries, spiritual boundaries, home boundaries, and much more.

    Learn to:
    - shield
    - cleanse and ground your home
    - close portals in the home
    - paranormal activity
    - evil eye protection
    - energetic reversal spell
    - full moon rituals

  • wk 3 | Attraction + New Moons

    Welcome to the world of petitions and folk magic. Here we’ll learn how to pair our intention to attract what we desire into our lives through rituals.

    Learn to:
    - create a charged talisman
    - create a honey jar spell
    - create a petition
    - new moon rituals
    - manifestation meditation
    - how manifesting works

  • wk 4 | Closing Ceremony | Divination + Intution

    :the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means

    Let’s unblock your magic.
    Trusting your inner self is key.

    You will be guided through a meditation and energetic exercise to call forward your inner voice and clear out doubt.

    - the importance of intuition intelligence
    - how to read symbols (practice reading with one another)
    - q+a - group sharing
    - group channeled message

“In a world of spiritual fluff, convoluted wellness messaging, and imposters posing as "gurus"...Megan is the realest of real.

I've worked with this woman in many different capacities over the last several years: receiving astro wisdom, being held in ceremony, creative collaboration, mentorship. I can't say enough positive things about Megan and the potent work she offers. There is an embodied integrity and authenticity in all that she does that is deeply felt. I have received so much clarity and wisdom through Megan's teachings that have allowed me to access deeper layers of myself, my purpose, and my worth.

If you're considering working with Megan in any capacity, TWO things...

1) DO IT - You will tap into power you didn't even know you had and it will be worth every dollar and every minute invested.

2) BUCKLE UP - With Megan, there is no playing small. She will lovingly hold up a mirror, ask the tough questions, and expand you in brilliant ways. Buckle up and prepare for your life to change in electric, magical ways.”