Vessel of The Muse.
the journey of creativity
“Had I not created my whole world, I would certainly have died in other people’s.”
A 4-week ceremony and journey which will open up your creative living desires. Through plant medicine, psychic clearing, subconscious journey, somatic embodiment, and sound, we will retrieve creativity through lifetimes while uncovering the stories which block our most authentic expression within this incarnation.
Each week, we will sit with the guidance of Egyptian Blue Lotus Tea; an ancient Egyptian flower used to awaken the third eye and expand your connection to creativity and psychic possibility through deep states of ease.
There's a vision that is embedded into your energetic body. It's the book you're hesitating to write, the business you want to start, the beauty of your daily life that you are responsible for co-creating with source.
The muse has maybe knocked on your door, nudged you to that dream or vision, and you're ready to answer. We are here to uncover, remove blockages, and begin the journey with creation energy, states of awe, playfulness, artistry, and big bold brilliant ideas.
VESSEL OF THE MUSE | Group Journey
- reigniting inspiration
- reclaiming your right to expression
- restoring sacred play within your life
- igniting new creative interests outside of your routines
- healing the ways in which you feel like you are not/ can't be creative or feel blocked from your calling
- opening a pathway to the next wave of business ideas and offerings
- aligning with intuitive intelligence
- unblock your creative signature
- connecting to your inner creative child
- meeting your most creative past life self
- 4 weeks of receiving channeled messages
Guest: Bethany Heals | Spiritual Leader & Teacher of Intuitive Healing through the SIGH (School of Intuitive Greater Healing)
Understanding your life force energy and the divinity of creative energy. Initiating your connection to the Muse through deep ceremonial introduction to Blue Lotus and guided psychic meditation into your inner Self. Retrieve your most creative past life!
Guest: Lia Nees | Hypnotherapist & Founder of PWR Hypnosis (Parts Work Regression)
The shadow work surrounding your life force energy and ability to birth into the material world. It's time to address and begin to re-write. Enter a state of hypnosis as we arrive to root issues within your creative blockages and meet your inner child to rewrite the story.
Led by: Kinsey O'Leary | Sound Therapist, Usui Reiki Master, Crystal Tones Alchemist and owner of The Sound Space
Dive into the river of your flow state. El Rio Abajo Rio, the river beneath the river is where we will meet. Into the world of symbol and energetic intelligence. A shamanic resonance and sensory experienced paired with energetic 1:1 healing with Megan Caprice Alfaro.
Led By: Megan Caprice Alfaro | Astrologist, Somatic Practitioner, Medicine Woman + Spiritual Mentor
Dance around the fire! Feel the body in celebration. Open up your vessel and its chambers to fully express, circulate emotions and life force energy. Together we will move, dance, breathe deeply, and throw our fists to the earth. Learning to embody our presence, take up space, and enter a trance. Enjoy our closing ceremony with blue lotus, sharing, card pulling and more.

“Thank you, Megan. I truly admire your passion, your kind soul, and more than anything, your authenticity and honesty. You facilitate as a honest human which is refreshing and relatable. Throughout our 4 week workshop you really helped me shift my perspective on several things and created a safe, nurturing environment that made me feel comfortable opening up and making important shifts in my life.”